Geneva States House | Entrée | Needle Art Festival
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Your first needlepoint
fashion line is on-line
Petit Point line on painted canvas in MA collection spirit.
It was said to you, Tapisserie de France ® & Annie Bouquet creation move with you. For the fall we are glad to bring on-line the new drawings from MA collection line:
Do not lose your autumn beautiful days and fill up your Bags with pleasure times, and, why not somes ideas of gifts for Christmas. For you or those which are beloved, according to the hour, in shoulder-belt or waistbands these Petits Points go from your hands in the heart, by main road.
Overall page:
Belts - Hand Bags - Glasses cases - House shoes
The passion of the Petit Point which outlines your line
Hand bags:
Wore in shoulder-belt or to the hand they suit you well !