Monday, November 18, 2013
Le Marie Claire idées de Novembre/Décembre est arrivé...
Une surprise pour nos clientes et lectrices de ce journal, Annie Bouquet
a créé une pochette de sac à main.
découvrirez dans le dossier du Marie Claire idées la pochette aux
couleurs des broderies de l'est. Pour la réaliser, toutes les
explications sont détaillées en fin de journal; le kit est aussi
disponible à la boutique d'Annie Bouquet ou sur commande au prix de 60
Un peu de folklore: Une jolie trousse en tapisserie traditionnelle.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Braquenié: Continuation and End
Time turn over a new leaf: one of the last larger collection of tapestries and needlepoint from now on is dispersed.
Dispersed ? not completely: Tapisserie de France® by the intermediary of Annie Bouquet has been able a few months ago to get the immense privilege to choose in private meeting the best content of the drawings of the Braquenié collection. We thus have had during the time of this selection to choose what there was to keep carefully from this prestigious collection.
At the time of that public sale we did not prevent us a sweet madness
concerning a top of seat from 1923 in Aubusson hand woven tapestry which
was knocked down for 3000 Euros. It is a work of a very great charm of
which we had already a specimen in a very similar work and style, the following lot was in add
with some other drawings of woven tapestries that constitutes a single
whole in its kind. Nevertheless what was put at the public sale at
Sotheby' s the 29 last October was in fact in our eyes only what could
without fear being dispersed because without interest as well from the
graphic than historical point of view.
Thus professionals, which we had to know their effective or indirect presence at the time of this sale, will be able to praise themselves that they hold drawings from Braquenié. But be sure that it is one negligible part of this collection and not the best!
From now on the best of this heritage joined our collection near these of Brocard and Hamot.
Tapisserie de France® is from now on the only company in the world with a so large range of drawings for seat cover. This incomparable heritage that we wanted to reconstitute was for you faithful in love with authenticity and beauty. You will be able thus in only one place to come discovering and choose in the most exceptional collection of drawings ever joined together so far.
Hamot good-bye, good-bye Brocard and Braquenié,
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Braquenié: last selling.
A history of the French decoration
After the private sales of some parts of the collections of the famous Braquenié's, a pubic auction in Paris is planed for the last week of October 2005. The information on this sale can be obtained from the auctioneer Patrick Deburaux to Paris 16em. A great choice of hand woven tapestries, but also some parts of finished needlepoint tapestries & painted cartoons. Tapestry de France® & Annie Bouquet the only ones authorised for private sell already reserved for you the best of these collections and promise to you to held them always available.Friday, September 16, 2005
Versailles collection exhibits to Chinese
In the scope of the Year of France, August 31, in China, the exhibition of
the collections of the Palace of Versailles, (royal palace southwest of
Paris, probably the most famous in Europe and closely associated with
Louis XIV) opened its doors in the Museum of Shanghai.
One will be able to admire there a Tapestry whose principal subject is the Kangxi emperor of the dynasty of Qing (1644-1911).
Needle Art Festival
The third edition of the Needle Art Festival, "Aiguilles en Fête",
exhibition of Needlepoint, Embroideries, Patchworks and needle work.
will open its doors to the public from March 10 to 12, 2006 in the
Floral garden (situated in the wood of Vincennes S.E. side of Paris:
Parc floral de Vincennes, Subway Château de Vincennes).
Hang on line we will anounce out innovations and new products awaite.