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Monday, November 18, 2013

Le Marie Claire idées de Novembre/Décembre est arrivé...

Marie Claire Idee Novembre 2013 Une surprise pour nos clientes et lectrices de ce journal, Annie Bouquet a créé une pochette de sac à main.
Tousse traditionVous découvrirez dans le dossier du Marie Claire idées la pochette aux couleurs des broderies de l'est. Pour la réaliser, toutes les explications sont détaillées en fin de journal; le kit est aussi disponible à la boutique d'Annie Bouquet ou sur commande au prix de 60 euros.

Un peu de folklore: Une jolie trousse en tapisserie traditionnelle.

Posted by L-D. A. at 9:26 AM
Categories: New designs

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Needlepoint Fashion Line on-line

Voir  Your first needlepoint fashion line is on-line

Petit Point line on painted canvas in MA collection spirit.

It was said to you, Tapisserie de France ® & Annie Bouquet creation move with you. For the fall we are glad to bring on-line the new drawings from MA collection line:

Do not lose your autumn beautiful days and fill up your Bags with pleasure times, and, why not somes ideas of gifts for Christmas. For you or those which are beloved, according to the hour, in shoulder-belt or waistbands these Petits Points go from your hands in the heart, by main road.

Overall page:
Belts - Hand Bags - Glasses cases - House shoes

The passion of the Petit Point which outlines your line

Hand bags:
Wore in shoulder-belt or to the hand they suit you well !

Posted by L-D. A. at 12:19 PM
Categories: New designs

Applique Tapestry (Patching)

Voir  Employ You To Your Mode ...
Your Mode applies To You

In these holidays, sun and sea period, in countryside or sparing time, and, as we announced in a preceding article, the designs range from "APPLIQUE TAPESTRY" ® (Patching) line get its cruising speed.

The "APPLIQUE TAPESTRY" is an idea that had Annie Bouquet & Claudine

Villars in the beginning of the first year of the third millenium. In this famous year 2000 during a conversation taking place to the "Creation & savoir faire" exhibition to Paris, both decide to create needlepoint plastrons which would be APPLIQUED to house shoes.

For this project Annie Bouquet creates 12 drawings. Claudine Villars tackles the models of slippers to which the needlepoint should be APPLIED.

This product of great luxury and very high technicality in its conception has pulled here french and foreign fervent enthusiasm and customers for almost five years now. We had from starting aimed the most difficult: To AFFIXE the Needlepoint to lamb's leather !

Since this date the "APPLIQUE TAPESTRY " or PATCHING bring forward its way and it is today, in addition of house shoes ranges, nearly 25 models for all kinds of applications which are offered to you.

Here we have to thank all women and men from our friendly customers who during these last years had the privilege of exclusiveness, coming to our show room to Paris or ordering via Internet and who were choosing these new and so luxury line of needlepoint. They tested for you the technique and thus proved not only its facility of execution and applying, but also, by their enthusiasm, encouraged us in the extension of this new collection.

You are from now Carrying on The Movement & flaunting Your Mode !

You thus find in this choice of "APPLIQUE TAPESTRY", small pockets, cuffs, shoulder pads; " APPLIQUE TAPESTRY" like "Patching " on trousers or skirt. Much more still you have also models of " APPLIQUE TAPESTRY" to you hair !

The idea of textile parts APPLIQUE to a support, a "patch", although old, had hitherto never found development in tapestry on canvas, the professional needlepoint sector in other words. Tapisserie de France ® and Annie Bouquet are not thus with out a little proud to have been the firsts to offer that to their customers impassioned by this art.

The needle-worked Tapestry using Petit Point stitches, thanks to its multiple facets of creation and uses shows still its abilities of adaptation and imagination.

One finds in the past a similar but reversed technique which consisted in bringing back a painted fabric, particularly faces, on a scene stitched to the Petit point. In that time, using in matter this technique it were often needlepoint representing religious scenes.

From now shorter time ago, in 1975 to New York is issued by Harry N. Abrams, a book in which are presented personal works which approaches enough what Annie Bouquet and Claudine Villars decide to develop.

In the United States, it is obvious that it is the " patching" which at that time titillate the imagination of the practising of the needle art. This passion for APPLIQUE is all things considered as only one a continuation, a variation, of what the american peoples are the unsurpassable creators, it is to say the patchwork. Which creative activity for last two centuries has been aproved by all the countries of the world as an American speciality. In the book previously quoted it is also a claim of originality; one can indeed read in foreword and in ironic form : "... a sens of style or a licking for brigthness could cost your job on charges of being some kind of faggot, anyway ... the man in grey Flannel suit was a hero."

One finds in this book examples of patch APPLIQUE to Jeans, shirts, jackets. There are profusions of different stitches, glistening colors and matterials, in short, imagination and creativity.

The idea of Annie Bouquet & Claudine Villars of the " APPLIQUE TAPESTRY is thus a form worked out starting from the concept of Patching. Its practice does not require any modifications of your work's habits. No embroideries or cutting difficulties. You endeavour to stitch your needlepoint then affixes it, so "APPLIQUE TAPESTRY" is light up.

A Petit Point Of APPLIQUE TAPESTRY is nice! A Petit Point is a final dot !

Posted by L-D. A. at 12:15 PM
Categories: New designs

Meeting of the creation

Voir  The hour to be seen !

From September 2005 second Tuesday of each month , we propose to you to come in to see the new designs of needlepoint tapestry. This shall be presented at our show room to Paris 7, rue des Moulins in the first district (two steps from the Louvre).

At the tea time we will offer cakes as accompanying ....

PS. In order to give you more pleasant moment you should be so kind to warn us of your arrival time.

Posted by L-D. A. at 12:13 PM
Categories: Exhibition, New designs

Monday, June 13, 2005

Web talking

Voir  Tapestry de France ® gives from now, regular rendez vous on these pages to take note of the news in several needlepoint and tapestry fields and decorative art sector.

The tool choosen is the blog.

You will find then here news and informations on all mater arround needlepoint, tapestry art, decorative an textile art.

This blog is divided in different parts which you will be acceding to by the link to the right hand side of the pages.

Before mapping more subject yet, you will find in that first step informations about:

- Web site evolution
In these columns you will learn what has been done, what and where are the new pages. What they show and the coments on the designs we bring to you.
You could find here too some usefull information on how to us the site, the tools available, the technical improvments etc.

- Exhibition.
Here we will give you date for exhibitions but also words about what we did like or would like to see in short time. We shall be talking too about what could be interesting to learn and see in the world of impassioned of embroiderie, needlepoint, about material as canvas or threads and of course in decorative or creative art field.

- Learning.
As may be already you know, Tapisserie de France ®, help you to becoming a perfect interpreter of the cartoons we offer. Many stages take place throught the saisons. Even individual ones ! So here we will give you remenbering of all available oportunity to express your art feeling.

As you guess too, Internet offer great oportunities for e-learning ! so keep watching ! We plane to surprise !

- New Drawings.
For several months Annie Bouquet has worked actively to the revival of our collection. In this heading you will discover first soon ahead the best we think from last new designs

At last, a secret that we already revealed to the visitors of the "Needles in Festival" fair to Paris and that we like to share from now with you, it is the "Applied Tapestry" which we also named, for our anglophone friends, " Patching". For further information be on line and read this heading in the next couple of weeks...

Another great news: Tapisserie de France will afford each equinox and in this heading the " Spring-Sumer" Collection & the " Autumn-Winter" Collection.

This occasion will give you starting from links found here a Annie Bouquet seasonal gift.

Posted by L-D. A. at 12:12 PM
Categories: Exhibition, New designs

Creation meeting

Voir  Hour to see !

Second Tuesday of each month, we invit you to come in and see ours new needlepoint designs. They shall be presented at our show room to Paris 7, rue des Moulins in the first district (from two steps of the Louvre museum).

At the tea time we will offer "petits fours" as cakes

PS. To wellcome you the better, it should be nice to call before !

Posted by L-D. A. at 11:40 AM
Categories: Exhibition, New designs